Leeds has a ton of great, affordable restaurants to visit. The city’s annual food festival in spring attests to the city’s dedication to high-quality food. Whether you’re after a quick snack or a big meal after a long day’s walk or trip to the museum, Leeds has plenty to offer.
Laynes Espresso could potentially look like any other modern coffee shop. They have a vast choice of coffee, including Square Mile beans, drip-filter and twelve-hour cold-brewed tea. The flavour is intense and rich. Laynes also offers a large number of delicious sandwiches, snacks and desserts.
Café Moor offers a delicious range of North African food. It’s situated in Kirkgate Market and decorated with ornate tapestries and carvings. Here you’ll find tabbouleh, pickled turnip and vine leaves, as well as falafel and bastilla. The café also offers the wonderfully fresh baba ganouche, which is both sweet and sour.
Hepworth’s Deli is in one of the Victorian arcades close to Briggate (left) where there are also lots of great shops. This area showcases some of the city’s history. Joe Hepworth uses the very best ingredients and assembles them in interesting combinations, be they sandwiches, salads, pies or platters.
The Greedy Pig offers a range of pork-based foods, including ham hock with homemade piccalilli and eight-hour cooked pulled pork with barbecue slaw. Whether its black pudding or a good old-fashioned bacon sandwich, the prices are very decent.
For a quick cuppa, why not try out the converted brewery, The Tetley?